Saturday, May 25, 2019

A Time of Refining

It's hard to believe it's been so long since I've posted, but to be honest we've been a bit overwhelmed with everything going on in our lives recently. The past several weeks have been filled with organizing, packing, sorting, as well as saying goodbye to people and places, and experiencing many "lasts" here in North Carolina: the last day of school at BCA for Ian and Ella, their last middle school tennis match, their last field trips, last award ceremonies, and final goodbyes to many of their classmates.

There have been difficult moments, especially as the kids ended the school year. While all of their friends are looking forward to next year (especially Ian's classmates, who will be starting high school), our children are leaving everything they know to move to an unfamiliar place. Not only are they leaving people they care about; they are also having to sort through all of their earthly possessions and select the few things that will "make the cut" and go to Bolivia with us. Some things can be stored, but many have to be given away. There are certainly good lessons to be learned in this process, but that doesn't mean it is always easy.

Even though it's hard to say goodbye, we are thankful for the time we've spent here in North Carolina. We know that we have great things to look forward to, and that many of the people we've come to know will be life-long friends.

The process of purging our material goods has made me hyper-aware of the consumerism that is so pervasive in the American culture. I've also been reminded of how easy it is to develop an unhealthy attachment to things, and have made significant progress in breaking that attachment. I'm proud of our kids, who have been learning to do the same thing. There are still several boxes of valuable or sentimental items that will go into storage, but they are learning the value of blessing others with the useful items they no longer need, rather than letting those things gather dust (or worse) in storage. Even though it's hard to let some things go, there is joy in blessing others by giving them away.

As I write this I'm realizing there's a theme here: a tension we are wrestling with throughout these weeks and months of transition. Letting go of the old, yet holding on to those things that matter. Saying goodbye to people and places, but anticipating the good things to come. Filtering out the things that distract and detract from what's really important, while cherishing that which is truly valuable.

Come to think of it, this is not unlike the refining process that God is doing in us. He is always refining us, purging us of old thoughts and habits, and making us more like Jesus. We have desires and habits that distract us, and sins that hinder our relationship with God and others.  These need to be gotten rid of so there is room for new attitudes, habits, and practices that strengthen those relationships. This process is not always fun, but in the end there is great joy! My prayer is that as our family navigates this season of evaluation and purging, the Lord will also be working in us, purifying and refining us to be more like Christ. When we look back at this period of time in our lives, my hope is that we will see the hand of God at work, strengthening us and growing us into faithful disciples of Jesus.

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