Monday, November 25, 2013

Getting Closer to Coshocton!

Well, we may not physically be getting closer to Coshocton quite yet, but our move date is certainly coming quickly. Aaron has only 18 working days left at Dana, and we've started packing up some things that we won't be needing for the next month or so. We've managed to accumulate a lot of belongings over the years, and this is a perfect opportunity to give away, sell, or dispose of things we no longer need.

As we prepare for our move to Coshocton, we have started looking for a place to rent. Unfortunately, there are not a lot of rentals available in the Coshocton area right now. Would you pray with us that God would provide a suitable rental property for us, and give us the wisdom to recognize it when it comes along? We may need to adjust our expectations, but we trust that God knows what we need better than we do!

As far as our funding goes, we are currently at 84%. However, because of some special gifts and the faithful support we've received over the last year, we may be able to start serving with MMS when we reach 90% of our quota. In this case we will need to raise the remaining 10% over the course of our apprenticeship. If we go this route, we only need an additional $300 per month for Aaron to start serving in the hangar! That said, we are still praying for the $800/month that we need to reach full funding.

We appreciate your prayers and support as we prepare to serve with MMS Aviation and MAG. We couldn't go to serve in this way if not for those of you who are sending us out to help reach isolated people with physical help, and the hope of the Gospel!

This was a short update, but feel free to contact us if you would like to hear more about our ministry, or if you have any other questions!

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